
Friday, March 2, 2018

8 Ways to Boost Library Staff

Last summer, there was a great question on Facebook asking for ideas on how to strengthen staff's teamwork, morale, and motivation. I thought the answers would be perfect to share for today, Staff Appreciation Day. It boils down to 8 fun ideas:

1. Fun Traveling Trophies

These trophies (which could be gnomes, Kermit the Frog stuffie, a stuffed bear, etc.) travel from person to person. Each meeting, staff can nominate the winner. The manager decides who gets it for the month. There's also another variation which the winner selects the next person who will get the trophy.

2. Heartfelt Note

Even something as simple as a note highlighting their achievements and $5 to their favorite establishment can go a long way.

3. Golden Date Stampers

One library went so far as to buy date stampers, spray paint them gold, and hand them out to people who have done something above and beyond. They also come with a certificate.

4. Highlight the Little Wins

Take the time in your meeting for staff members to recognize their colleagues who helped them with the small stuff, too, like teaching a time saving technology trick or switching shifts. These little acts of kindness are needed to keep a library running smoothly, too.

5. Bravo Drawing

Staff can give each other a "bravo" which go into a gift card drawing (writing the name of the person and why they earned it). Winner is selected at the staff meeting.

6. Shout Outs

Skip the internal meeting, and highlight your hard workers in the newsletter, website, and the main wall of the library. If you are giving out a coveted parking space, put their name on the sign in front of it.

7. Traditional Gift Card Awards

Gift cards given out quarterly, annually, etc. to those who went above and beyond. They vary in amounts.

8. Kudos Bulletin Board

Staff can write up things their colleagues have done and attach it to a bulletin board. Right before the staff meeting, these notes are collected and distributed to those praised. If you are feeling creative, the bulletin board can have different themes like "You're a Peach" or "Thanks a Latte".

What are the Popular Prizes?

The prizes tend to be a gift card, a parking spot, comp time, or a monetary prize. Providing a meal where staff have to come in on their day off may not be the best way to show your appreciation. Some places also hand out plaques and certificates, and of course, the Golden Date Stamper.

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